Be Not Afraid by The Whisnants

Song Lyrics

Heritage of Hits by The Whisnants

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Be Not Afraid
by The Whisnants

Album: Heritage of Hits

Rocked by waves and howling winds
And the storm that threatened them
The disciples sailed a boat on Galilee
They were tired and full of fright
They had fought the storm all night
Then the master came 'a walking on the sea

Be not afraid, for it is I, in the 4th watch of the night
You've fought and prayed but I am here and it's alright
The storm will rage, the winds will blow
But they are under my control
It won't be long till morning breaks
Be not afraid

Hope seems gone the day is done
And the night is pressing on
Doctors said that they've done all that they can do
Around the clock the family prays

But helps already on the way
Without a doubt another doctor's in the room

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I love this song!! I wish I had this song when my granddaughter was in the hospital and we thought we were going to lose her we prayed and prayed for her - Apr 2024

Great song i would the music - Mar 2023

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