Voice of Falling Tears by The Whisnants

Song Lyrics

Promises by The Whisnants

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Voice of Falling Tears
by The Whisnants

Album: Promises

Lord I don't even have the words to say
And I honestly would not know where to start
But even when my efforts are in vain
Somehow my tears explain to you my heart

You hear my voice, when I can't even say a word
When I can't speak, my silent cry your ears have heard
For I know you're somewhere watching
And you see each tear that's falling
And to you the message of each drop is clear
For Lord you hear, I'm glad you hear
The voice of falling tears

Each teardrop speaks of loved ones gone astray
They tell of broken dreams of yesterday
Tears explain to you the heart of every man
This language only you can understand

When earthly words get in the way
Of this miracle I need
I just bow before your throne
Where once again my teardrops intercede

Repeat chorus

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