He Knows by The Wilmington Chester Mass Choir

Song Lyrics

He Knows
by The Wilmington Chester Mass Choir

Album: Hosanna! - And They Sang the Word

Trials come to make you strong
They won't last for very long
We see the promise
God made to us
Said if we just cast our cares
Upon Him
In Him we could trust
For He knows

He knows
Everything about you
And He sees
All of your needs

No, he won't won't put more on you
(thank you Jesus)
Anymore on you than you can bear

Satan comes to block your way
(yes he does, you know he does)
Can't hardly see the break of day
Jesus gave His life to set us free
Don't you know eternal life is gained
If you just can find some faith and believe

He knows
He knows everything about you
I came to let you know that He sees
(he sees, he sees)
All of your needs
Right now where you're sitting
He knows (it's not just a song)
He won't put anymore on you
Anymore on you than you can bear

He is the key
He is the key
With God on your side
Everything will be alright
(convince yourself, tell yourself,
speak to yourself)
I know I can make it, I know I can take it
God knows every battle
He knows every situation
He knows, He knows, He won't
He won't put more on you than you can bear

You can make it
You can make it
(I came to let you know)
You can make it
Somebody might not have got what
They came for yet
So we just came as a reminder to
let you know
Jesus knows all about you
He made you afterall
He knows, He knows, He knows
You can make it

Don't let anybody else tell you
Anything different
You can make it
You can make it with God on your side
He's better than Allstate Insurance
He's better than anything
He's better, He's better, He's better
You can make it
You can make it with God on your side
On this side, to the right, to the left,
In front of you, in back of you, above you
below you and right beside you
He won't put more on you than you can bear
Just pick yourself up
Dust yourself off
Tell yourself I'm wonderful
And then believe it
I can make it Jesus
If I got to crawl
If I got to crawl
If I got to beg Lord
I know I'm able to make it
I know I can take it
I know with your heart
I'll never go wrong

I look to the hills
From which my help cometh Lord
I don't have anywhere else to turn
Nobody else to turn Jesus
I go to you everytime
I look to you everytime
I look to you everytime
I look to you everytime

Because you know my issues
You know my issues
You know my habits
You know my valleys
You know my mountains

You know those things
I'm still working on Jesus
You know you know you know
Anybody else believe they can make it
With Jesus on your side
Tried everything else
Everything failed
Try Jesus
Give God one more try
Give HIm one more try
Give Him a try
Give Him a try
You can make it
You can make it
You can make it
You can make it
You can make it
You can make it
You can make it
You can make it
You can make it
You can make it
You can make it
You can make it

Family turns their back and walks away
You can make it
Friends don't call you like they used to call
Gods just clearing a way to show He's
Got everything in the palm of His hands
He's everything you need
He's everything you need
Stop messing around
Stop slipping and sliding
Stop slipping and sliding
Stay with Jesus
Stay with God
Stay in this thing until you
See the salvation of the Lord
That's why we mess up
We just want it all right now
Right now He's able,
Tomorrow, Yesterday
Today He's able
God will dry your weeping eyes
He can help you
He knows
He knows
He knows
He knows
He knows
He knows
He knows
You can make it

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