Wealth & Poverty by Tim Be Told

Song Lyrics

Wealth & Poverty
by Tim Be Told

Album: From the Inside - EP

Allow me to introduce you to some friends of mine
They have both kept me company at some point in time
One takes you captive, her comfort attractive
While the beggars sit and wait at her door
And with her you will always want more

Wealth, why do you exist and why are you so hard to resist?
We purchase, we pay; we hope it gets better
But hope is sold for the day
Wealth and poverty stay

Then there's Poverty she's hard to shake
'Cause till death do us part is the same as forever
She'll rob you dry, oh you should see her cry
When you find out you don't have anymore
She replies "that is why you are poor"

Poverty, should you exist? "Yes of course," the rich men insist
They'll give you a dollar and hope it gets better
But hope is sold for the day
Wealth and Poverty stay

Why does it have to be so separate and clean?
Abundance, destitution, no in-between
And why do we desperately cling to our extremes?

Mercy, do you exist? "Yes of course," the good men insist
But mercy is silent 'cause no one will let her give us hope for the day
Wealth and Poverty stay

More lyrics: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/t/tim_be_told/#share

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