Album: Rodent Weekend '76-'96 - Approximately
he said, "you got the battle for jerusalem, just like a shooting script"
he said, "you got america down on its knees and sinking like a ship
you got idiots in office, you got animals in power
a pretty little public stuck up in their plexiglas tower
TV preachers visibly giving religion a bad name
a lot of vain philosophers with lots of shit for brains, but that's OK
because i'm cool"
he said, "what i wanna know is what it is that's going on here
it's like some kind of déjà vu, it's all vaguely familiar"
he said, "i feel like i'm in sunday school, the walls are coming down"
he said, "i half expected joshua to be standing outside of town"
he said, "i don't wanna swim no lake of fire, not me
i can't afford no asbestos swimming attire
but i'm too cool
i'm too cool to be a christian but it's gonna get hot, i know"
he said, "all this talk about jesus makes me nervous
all these people talking about the light"
he said, "i sleep too late to make the sunday service
but i don't know, looks like these people are right
but i'm too cool
i'm too cool to be a christian but it's gonna get hot, i know"
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