Album: Radiate
It's been another day when it seems like faith eludes me
Everything's been so confusing
Fear got the best of me
Now I'm lying here worried about tomorrow
Cause the weight of everything I don't know
Is so heavy I can't sleep
But the truth remains the same
Even if I don't know what to pray
But what I know
Is You, my God are real
No matter how I feel
You've never let me go
But what I know
Is there will never be a day
You aren't just a breath away
And through it all I gotta hold
To what I know
I could throw my fist in the air
Demanding answers
But despite of all the questions
I'm still giving You my life
If it doesn't
It doesn't change the fact You're always good
Your ways are higher than mine
To love that's never failing
To hope that keeps on saying
Carry on
Carry on
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hello tricia brock is good naht my frens is fans yuo is god is good my name is yanet soy de mexico city my love - Feb 2016
I love this song so much, I wanna play it on repeat n scream it From The rooftops but everywhere I look for it, I can't seem to find it. :'( - Sep 2014
Lovely song - Aug 2014
This is what I know my while life...thanks for putting it into words and song!!! - Aug 2014
Powerful song. I get goosebumps listening to it and I know that's the Holy Spirit. God bless! - Aug 2014
Love this song. - Jun 2014
Love this song. It's my hearts worship!! - May 2014