Arisen Is the Suffering Servant by True Strength

Song Lyrics

Arisen Is the Suffering Servant
by True Strength

Album: Sanguinary Vivification

There was a violent earthquake,
For an angel of the Lord came down
He went to the tomb,
And rolled back the stone
His appearance was like lightning,
And his clothes were white as snow.
The guards were so afraid of him that
They shook and became like the dead.
The angel said to the women,
"Do not be afraid,
For I know that you are
Looking for Jesus,
He is not here; he has risen,
Just as he said He would.
Come and see the place where he lay.
Then go quickly and tell his friends:

So the women hurried away from the tomb,
Afraid yet filled with joy,
They ran to tell His disciples.
That Jesus had risen from death!

Sanctus! Sanctus! Dominus Deus!
Hosanna in Excelsis!
Sanctus! Sanctus! Dominus Deus!
Hosanna in Excelsis!

While the women were on their way,
Some of the guards went to the city
Reported to the chief priests
Everything they had seen.
The chief priests met with the elders
They devised a fiendish plan,
They gave to the soldiers
A large sum of money to lie,
Telling them what to say
'His disciples came during the night
And stole him away
While we were asleep'
If this report gets to the governor,
We will keep you out of trouble."
So the soldiers took the money
And did as they were paid to do

The two disciples then ran to the tomb
Simon Peter and John
They saw that His tomb was now empty
Because Jesus had risen from death!

Sanctus! Sanctus! Dominus Deus!
Hosanna in Excelsis!
Sanctus! Sanctus! Dominus Deus!
Hosanna in Excelsis!


It was evening when Christ appeared in the room
To the eleven disciples
He stood among them and said, "Peace be with you!"
Overjoyed when they saw the Lord
Thomas refused to believe the account
Unless he could touch Christ's wounds
Jesus appeared to him and then he believed
"Blessed are those who have not seen and still believe."

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