Glorious by Unhindered

Song Lyrics

Unhindered by Unhindered

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by Unhindered

Album: Unhindered

Verse 1:
One spark soon becomes a flame
One drop starts the ocean wave
One touch changes everything
With one shout the walls are crumbling
One glimpse the world begins to see
One man has shaken history

Glorious, the heavens declare Your splendor
Victorious, breaking the chains forever
Over us, risen and reigning Savior
Your kingdom will have no end
Your kingdom will have no end

Verse 2:
One word spoke the world to be
One breath, breathed this life in me
One man set the captive free
One day the sky will open wide
Every tongue nation every tribe
Proclaim Jesus is alive
He's alive

Lift Him high, lift Him higher
Lift your eyes, lift your eyes
Lift Him high, lift Him higher

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