Take This City by Unhindered

Song Lyrics

Unhindered by Unhindered

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Take This City
by Unhindered

Album: Unhindered

Verse 1:
This city belongs to the One and only
Lover of all, who gave His Son
For all to see, His love and majesty

Verse 2:
This city belongs to the King of glory
Savior of all, who came to set the captives free
For all eternity

If God be for us, who can be against us
The gates of hell will not prevail

We're gonna take this city
For Your glory
We're gonna take this city
For Your name
We're gonna see Your Kingdom
And bring Your freedom
We're gonna take this city
For Your name

We hold on, to every word You've spoken
We stand on, the promises You've made
We call on, the name that is above all other names

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