Album: The Wendy & Mary Collection
He who dwells
In the shelter of our God
Will abide in the shadow
Of the almighty
I will say to the Lord
My Fortress and my Rock
My God in whom I trust
I will fear not, for He is God
Under His wings
We can seek refuge
He covers us with His love
A thousand my fall at your side
But the Lord will protect you
Become a shield, be your guide
Angels will come surround you
Deliver peace and rest
For where I am, the Lord will be
No evil shall come my way
Or befall me, for He is God
Under His wings
We can seek refuge
He covers us with His love
He who dwells
In the shelter of our God
Will abide in the shadow
Of the almighty
I will say to the Lord
My fortress and my rock
My God in whom I trust
I will fear not, for He is God
I will fear not, for He is God
He who dwells
He who dwells
He who dwells
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