Get Me Out of Here by Wendy Francisco

Song Lyrics

Get Me Out of Here
by Wendy Francisco

Album: Land of Your Heart

Oh, won't somebody get me out of here
I want to have a date and drink a beer
I want to have a dinner with some meat
I want to hear some music with a beat

Hello, hello, is anybody there
Oh, won't somebody get me out of here

This bench is causing my posterior pain
My robe smells like a goat left in the rain
I love the Lord and don't need to be rich
I just want something to wear that doesn't itch

Hello, hello, is anybody there
Oh, won't somebody get me out of here

It isn't that I'm under lock and key
It isn't guilt or pride that's holding me
I'd have to cross a river deep and wide
And hike out fifty miles to hitch a ride

Hello, hello, is anybody there
Oh, won't somebody bust me out of here

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