He Was A Righteous Man by Wendy Francisco

Song Lyrics

He Was A Righteous Man
by Wendy Francisco

Album: People of Promise


One righteous man remained
One righteous man
And Noah was his name
One righteous man remained

And the Lord proclaimed to Noah
The end of flesh has come
For the earth is filled with violence
They are evil, every one

So build me an ark
I will carry you away
For you alone are righteous
Before me in this day

Sunrise to sunset
For years, Noah built the Ark

He was a righteous man
A righteous man
He was a righteous man
A righteous man

And O how they must have mocked him
Under the sunny blue
O how they must called him a fool

He was a righteous man
A righteous man
He was a righteous man
A righteous man

And all of his family labored
Slowly the ark took shape
Slowly until at last, the final day

Four hundred fifty feet
By seventy-five
A mighty silhouette
She cast upon the sky
But all the people laughed
Because the ground was dry
The mountains thundered
As her passengers arrived

And with Noah and his family
And the animals all aboard
The Lord God reached down
His mighty hand
And closed the door

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