If You Search for Me by Wendy Francisco

Song Lyrics

If You Search for Me
by Wendy Francisco

Album: Land of Your Heart

If you search for Me
You will find Me
When your search for Me
With your whole heart
If you search for Me
You will find Me
When your search for Me
With your whole heart

For I know the thoughts
I think about you
Thoughts of peace
Not of trouble
And I have plans
To give you a hope
And a future

If you search for Me
You will find Me
When your search for Me
With your whole heart
If you search for Me
You will find Me
When your search for Me
With your whole heart

I will be found by you
Says the Lord
I will bring you back
From the wilderness
I will bring you into freedom
I will bring you home

If you search for Me
You will find Me
When your search for Me
With your whole heart
If you search for Me
You will find Me
When your search for Me
With your whole heart
With your whole heart

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