Time to Fly by Wendy Francisco

Song Lyrics

Time to Fly
by Wendy Francisco

Album: Land of Your Heart

I believe we were meant to fly
I believe we were meant to soar
On eagles wings
I believe we were meant to try
If you dare you must be aware
Of your deepest dreams

Then wait upon the Lord
Until you hear that it's time to fly

Like a horse before a race
He stomps and sweats and strains
It's hard to wait
Even Abraham flew too soon
He was afraid if he waited
He would be too late

So, wait upon the Lord
Until you hear that it's time to fly

Then again, there was Moses
Who heard the word of the Lord
But cried out, oh, not me!
He didn't think he was good enough
And in the end he was barely convinced
By a talking tree

So, wait upon the Lord
But when you hear that it's time
Then it's time to fly

I believe we were meant to fly
I believe we were meant to soar
On eagles wings

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