Most High God by Wes Tuttle

Song Lyrics

Most High God
by Wes Tuttle

Album: Streams of Your Mercy

Verse 1:
You made the earth. You made the heavens.
You rode the winds of the ancient skies.
You light the world. You melt the mountains.
We lift Your name and Your praises high.

For You alone are the most high God over all the earth.
You are exalted far above all gods.
Forever You shall reign, Lord.
You alone are the most high God over all the earth.
You are exalted far above all gods.
Forever You shall reign, Lord.
You are the most high God,
Most high God.

Verse 2:
Your throne, O God, will last forever,
And You are robed in royal majesty.
You rule the world with truth and justice.
We shout Your praise triumphantly.

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