Streams of Your Mercy by Wes Tuttle

Song Lyrics

Streams of Your Mercy
by Wes Tuttle

Album: Streams of Your Mercy

Streams of Your mercy
Flow through my soul
Life-giving water
That makes me whole
Streams of Your mercy
Never run dry
Flowing forever
And bringing new life

And I'll ever praise You
For eternal days
And I'll ever love You
For amazing grace
And I'll ever thank You
For giving to me
Streams of Your mercy
That set my soul free

Streams of Your mercy
Rivers of life
Hope for our healing
Your Spirit poured out
Lord, may I ever
Be like a tree
That's firmly planted
By Your mercy streams

And I'll ever praise You
O Ancient of Days
And I'll ever love You
For amazing grace
And I'll ever thank You
For giving to me
Streams of Your mercy
That set my soul free

And I'll ever thank You
For giving to me
Streams of Your mercy
That set my soul free
Streams of Your mercy
That set my soul free

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