Album: JC Squad - Live
The Bible says in
Philippians 2 verse 9
"Therefore God has highly exalted Him
And bestowed on Him the Name
That is above every name
So that at the Name of Jesus
Every knee should bow
In heaven and on earth
And under the earth
And every tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord
To the glory of God the Father"
Oh come on somebody
Would you lift up that Name
Come on would you just
Begin to praise Him
You are the Name above every name
Sickness bows it's knee
The demonic bows it's knee
Problems bow their knees to You, Jesus
Man, and I don't know
If you can sense
But in the presence of God
Here tonight
Even if your watching
Half way around the world
That presence of this King of kings
Is ready to meet you
Right where your at
Something happens when
We lift up Jesus
Things begin to change
Things fall into place
I don't know what
You've been facing
But I know that things change
In the presence of God
I don't know what turmoil
Has been going on in your world
But I know that
As we're worshipping
Things just begin
To fall into place
Without me even beginning
To do anything at all
But lift my hands
And confess that Name
And fix my attention on Him
Things begin to shift
And I believe that things are
Shifting in this room right now
I believe that things are
Shifting online right now
I believe that bodies
Are being healed
I believe that lost people
Are coming back to know Jesus
I believe that things are
Turning around in your life
See there's healing taking place
In this room right now
Hey, I'm just here to remind
Some young people around the world
That God's still powerful
I'm just here to remind
Some JC Squaders that
Jesus is still high and lifted up
Should I tell them
Should I tell them
He's still on the throne, man
Ain't no virus dethrone Him
So there's healing right now
But not only that there's
I feel there's broken situations
Being put back together
Disfunction being restored
Cause something happens
When we worship
Things fall into place
Will we sing that again
Just lift your hands
Lift your hands
If your watching online
Lift your hands
Sing this, something happens
Something happens
When I lift up Jesus
Everything begins to change
Something happens
As I worship Jesus
Everything falls into place
You hold it all
You're in control
What You open nobody can close
Something happens
When I'm in Your presence
King Jesus
Now come on
I just feel to do this
Would we all lift our hands
Watching online
See some people in their homes
I know people are still in
Lockdowns all around the world
And lockdown has
Got in your spirit
It's been awhile
Since you've just
Worshipped in abandonment
I'm not talking
About pretty worship
I'm not talking
About cute worship
I'm talking about the
Kind of worship that He deserves
I'm talking about the
Kind of worship that changes
An atmosphere in your home
Come on Indonesia
It's time to worship again
Come on Europe
It's time to worship again
Come on America
He's higher then politics
He's higher then any other spirit
So come on Planetshakers
All around the world
Would you lift up your hands
Would you get ready
To lift a shout
Would you get ready
To lift your voice
Would you get ready
To lift that Name
Here we go 1, 2, 3, shout!
Lift that Name
Somebody shout
Somebody shout
Something happens when
Something happens
When I lift up Jesus
Everything begins to change
Something happens
As I worship Jesus
Everything falls into place
You hold it all
You're in control
What You open nobody can close
Something happens
When I'm in Your presence
King Jesus
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