Is There A Cross In Your Life? by Alicia

Song Lyrics

Is There A Cross In Your Life?
by Alicia

Album: Praise & Worship

What do you say about Jesus?
Is He a liar or is He truly God's Son?
We all have to answer
With a heart of conviction
Is this man the Holy One?
We must determine
That the gospel is true
That when He died on Calvary
He died for me and you

Is there a cross in your life
A place where Jesus
Turned your wrongs to right?
Is there a moment in time
When Jesus turned
Your darkness into light?
A day of revelation
When you became a new creation
Because you realized
Jesus is the Christ?
It's a question only you can settle
Is there a cross in your life?

Many believe in His birthday
Oh, yeah, yeah
Many believe Jesus died on the cross
But do you believe
That He rose on the third day
Securing hope for the lost?
Oh, now is the hour to answer the call
To trust in Jesus once and for all

Is there a cross in your life
A place where Jesus
Turned your wrongs to right?
Is there a moment in time
When Jesus turned
Your darkness into light?
A day of revelation
When you became a new creation
Because you realized
Jesus is the Christ?
It's a question only you can settle
Is there a cross in your life?

Just to believe is not enough
Empty words will turn a heart to stone
We must receive Jesus
And make our heart His home
Our heart His home

Is there a cross in your life
A place where Jesus
Turned your wrongs to right?
Is there a moment in time
When Jesus turned
Your darkness into light?
A day of revelation
When you became a brand new creation
Because you realized
Yes, Jesus is the Christ?
It's a question only you can settle
Is there a cross in your life?
It's a question that we all must settle
Is there a cross in my life?

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