Ignition (Intro) by Beacon Light

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Loud Drive Home by Beacon Light

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Ignition (Intro)
by Beacon Light

Album: Loud Drive Home

Beacon Light Talking
I fell in love with hip hop in the car
I remember driving around
Freestyling with my friends over beats
But I didn't just love the music
It was the culture
I belonged to something
Hip hop gave me a voice
Gave me an opportunity to express myself and be creative
But honestly I used it in the wrong way
And it wasn't until I met the Lord
That I realized my true purpose
My purpose was bigger than hip hop bigger than rap music
My purpose was to belong to Christ
And to do his work redemption
So I wanna go back
Back to where I started in the car with my friends
But this time I'm looking through a redeemed lens
This is me with a new focus
I found my first love and it isn't hip hop
It's Jesus
Turn up the volume it's gonna be a loud drive home

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