All I Have To Say by Branded

Song Lyrics

Little Towns Like Mine by Branded

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All I Have To Say
by Branded

Album: Little Towns Like Mine

he was sitting at a table in a run down hotel room with a bottle and
a bible in his hand. cussin' at the devil for taking him this far and
crying out to god to reel him in i guess the good lord must have heard
that old boy's cry cause he saw the light through his old bloodshot
eyes and he swore he heard the angels sing and about a million church
bells ring and he heard 'amazing grace' begin to play he
sat that bottle on the floor said he didn't want it anymore cause he
didn't need jim beam to kill his pain he was a brand-new man that
day and that's all he had to say i was sitting on the front row with my
bible in my hand as i listened to this old man testify for years i'd been
pretending to be something that i'm not when i felt the tears start
filling up my eyes and i said lord if you're still listening and if you
could spare the time and if this life is still worth fixing could you
change this heart of mine but i never heard the angels sing or
a single church bell start to ring but, when i heard 'just as i am'
begin to play i took that preacher by the hand and he showed me
to the promise land and when we said amen and walked away
i was a brand-new man that day and that's all i've got to say yes
i'm a brand new man today and that's all i've got to say

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