Lift Up Your Heads by Godfrey Birtill

Song Lyrics

Lift Up Your Heads
by Godfrey Birtill

Album: You're Still God

Lift up your heads, you gates of brass
You bars of iron, yield
And let the King of glory pass;
The cross is in the field.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia,
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
You armies of the living God,
Stand in Your Captain's might.
Go where no hallowed feet have trod.
Arise, My warrior bride.
O fear not, faint not, halt not now.
Don't quit: like men, be strong.
To Christ shall every nation bow
And sing with you this song.
Uplifted are the gates of brass,
The bars of iron yield.
Behold the King of glory pass:
The cross has won the field.

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