You Are Enough For Me by Hope Vandouser

Song Lyrics

You Are Enough For Me
by Hope Vandouser

Album: You Are Enough for Me - Single

Verse 1:
I remember when I met you on that Holy Ground
I was desperate for an answer and Your voice I found
You were my manna in the wilderness; it brought me life
And now I'm standing on a promise; you won't leave my side

You are enough for me; you're everything I needed
You are enough for me; you're everything I needed

Verse 2:
I remember when you told me I deserve your love
I was empty on the inside and you filled my cup
With just a word, you took my fears and gave me life instead
And now I'm longing for the one who is my daily bread

You are enough for me; you're everything I needed
You are enough for me; you're everything I needed

My portion, my promise
Is found in you, found in you
My breakthrough, my victory
Is found in you, found in you
My portion, my promise
Is found in you, found in you
My breakthrough, my victory
Is found in you, found in you yeah
It's found in you, found in you yeah

You are enough for me; you're everything I needed
You are enough for me; you're everything I needed
You are enough for me; you're everything I needed
You are enough for me; you're everything I needed
You are enough for me; you're everything I needed
You are enough for me; you're everything I needed

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