Come Let Us Celebrate the Lord by Lamb

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Come Let Us Celebrate by Lamb

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Come Let Us Celebrate the Lord
by Lamb

Album: Come Let Us Celebrate

L'chaim b'Yeshua, Hallelujah
L'chaim b'Yeshua, Hallelujah
Hu ahav oti, Hu ohev oti, Hallelujah
Hu ahav oti, Hu ohev oti, Yeshua

To life in Yeshua, Hallelujah,
To life in Yeshua, Hallelujah,
He loved me, He loves me, Hallelujah,
He loved me, He loves me, Yeshua

Come let us celebrate the Lord,
Let us sing through endless age,
Sing how much He has done for us all,
Come, let us celebrate the Lord,
Let us sing forever more
Sing how much, For what He has done.

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