Walk in the Light by Lamb

Song Lyrics

The Sacrifice by Lamb

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Walk in the Light
by Lamb

Album: The Sacrifice

Come house of Jacob let us, walk in the light
Walk in the light, walk in the light
Come house of Jacob let us, walk in the light
Walk in the light of the Lord

Verse One:
the haughty man is humbled
the lofty one brought low
For the Lord alone will be exalted in that day
When every knee shall bow
And every tongue confess
That Yeshua is Lord, unto the glory of God

Verse Two:
The pride of man is humbled
arrogance abased,
For the Lord alone will be exalted in that day
When every knee shall bow
And every tongue confess
That Yeshua is Lord unto the glory of God

Come on walk.... walk in the light
Yea, we're gonna walk, walk, walk... walk in the light
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Walk in the light.... Walk in the light of the Lord
You've gotta walk.... walk in the light of the Lord

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