Album: Child of The Promise
Zacharias speaks a highly
significant prophesy over his son,
who will grow up to be John
the Baptist.
ZACHARIAS: The Lord has visited
His people
As foretold since the world began
He mercifully remembered
His promise
To save us from our enemy's hand
Now we can serve Him
without fear
In holiness all our days
And you, child, will be the prophet
To go before God and prepare
His ways
He will call to the hearts of
the people
God will instruct him in what
to say
He will tell them Messiah, the
Savior, is here
He will prepare the way
He will prepare the way
He will teach to all repentance
He will preach forgiveness of sins
He will point to the One who
brings us light
And peace that never ends
He will call to the hearts of
the people
God will instruct him in what
to say
He will tell them Messiah, the
Savior, is here
He will prepare the way
He will prepare the way
He will prepare the way
He will prepare the way
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