One by Justin Rhorer

Song Lyrics

Brighter Day by Vineyard Music

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by Justin Rhorer

Album: Brighter Day

One Lord who rules the heavens
One Lord who rules land and sea
One King of all the nations
Who reigns over history

One over all creation
One breath of life divine
One hand that holds the future
One master's grand design

Every knee shall bow
Every tongue confess
That Jesus the Christ is the One

One Lord, One God
One before all others
One way, one truth
We come to worship
Yes we bow down and worship
We have come to worship One

One ray of truth eternal
One blessed hope for mankind
One light to pierce the darkness
Of life-giving sight to the blind

One life laid down for many
Only one who could take the fall
One finished work of atonement
One ransom paid for all

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